So here it is, my first blog ever, in my history on this planet. For someone that is considered, and considers himself, well into current technology, you would think that I'd have my own blog site already. I'm not really sure why its taking me this long, but here it is.
I could've picked a blog site thats based on philosophy and politics, both subjects are very dear to me, but I decided to focus more on pop culture. I'm sure politics and philosophy will leak onto my blogs every once and awhile, but I'm mainly going to cover BMVT. Babe's, Movies, Videogames, and Technology. Let's face it, politics and philosophy are interesting and all, but not anywhere as interesting as a beautiful woman, a great movie, a good videogame, or some "what will they think of next technology".
I feel like I should write some things about myself as well, but that will all probably leak into a few blogs and once I get my profile added it will probably be a bit redundant. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to posting some things that will interest you as much as they interest me. I hope to integrte this with my Youtube channel as well and may do some video blogs for technology reviews and the like.
Thanks again.
I'm down :)